Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Budget Cuts in Education Cuts on Closing Achievement Gap

Though Texas is a very big and widely diverse state, this wasn't also the case for those who received college degrees. Texas has been putting forth effort to close the "achievement gap," as said in the article, to promote the diverse state to become a more educated one as well. But since Governor Rick Perry has been pushing his colleagues towards decreasing the Texas deficit by cutting higher education budgets the total cost (tuition, books, you name it) for students will increase. This will defeat the purpose of community colleges being more convenient and affordable than universities. There are many students of all races who could not afford paying for education in a university, like me. I can just afford community college on the edge of my financial comfort. I use this article in hopes of opening the eyes of whomever reads this. It's the American dream to get a degree and succeed in a career. Perry targeting our reach for success is and will be holding more of us back.
Here is the link to the original Article.

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